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Sunday, January 20, 2013

it's all in the name

Welcome to my world of post-college antics and just finding my place in this crazy world

Ginger Antics. 

They say it's all in the name and well, I hope I can live up this one. Which I should seeing as I don't plan on dying my hair any other color (at least for now) and I tend to find my self in some pretty awkward yet hysterical situations which I hope y'all will find just as entertaining.

The initial plan for this blog was for it to be just another food blog filled with pretty pictures and recipes that you'll find yourself struggling with as much I did as you try to interpret the so called recipe from the original poster who themselves had no idea what they were doing. Hence the pretty cupcake you saw before the jump.

And then I thought, hey there has to be more people like me out there in this world. Finding yourself a year after graduating stuck in a job that isn't quite the one you imagined, living pay check to pay check because you're now paying all those student loans that gave you that piece of paper with simply your name on it that's most likely hanging somewhere back home on your parents living room wall. Some of you might be back living in the house where that diploma is hanging or some of you have ventured into the world of roommates and apartments outside of college campus. We're all just trying to survive the  'real world' of post college where that security blanket you've carried for 16+ years of education has finally been ripped from hands. With in the pages of this blog you will find how I'm surviving, or not surviving, the adventures that come with attempting to learn to cook and bake new things, and hopefully me finding me.

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