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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beauty Army Box

On one of my days off a few weeks ago I had read an article regarding what seems to be the new phenomenon, monthly box subscriptions. When I first started to do further research into I didn’t realize they pretty much have box subscriptions for whatever interests you, literally whatever interests use. Some samples of the different categories I found are adult boxes, small business boxes, baby/mom boxes, beauty boxes, craft/hobby boxes, tea/coffee/cocoa/cocktail boxes, fashion boxes, fitness boxes, green living boxes, jewelry boxes, kid boxes, lifestyle boxes, pet boxes, and many more.

I used this bloggers list to narrow down some of my favorites, Ramblings of a Suburban Mom.

I subscribed to two boxes and am currently waitlisted on a third. The first box I received in the mail was from Beauty Army

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

In August I decided I was going to make it my goal to perfect making cupcakes. I decided to start this challenge off with a bang and not go the simple route. I’d been scouring through Pinterest looking for the perfect recipe, something that I’ve never baked before but also something I’d actually eat and could feed upon my coworkers who have graciously agreed to be my guinea pigs for this challenge.

There a few things I would do differently the second time I make them. The peanut butter center came out a bit dry for me as did the chocolate cake part (this could be from overworking the batter which I tend to do sometimes and am trying to learn from). The recipe says it yields 24 cupcakes but I got only about 16 or so cupcakes out of it which could also amount to why I had soo much icing left over.

I found this recipe here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes

It's been awhile since I've posted and I apologize for the delay. The summer and beginning of fall was just a mass of working extra hours at work and making the trek back to Pennsylvania for personal reasons and my childhood best friends wedding. I was back in PA about 5 times over a course of four months. This was the most I spent at home since the summer of 2009. (It's really been 4 years? Wow how time flies)

But now that I'm getting back into my regular work schedule and much more time on my hands and a bit lonely with having all of my college friends now not living in Providence. I gave myself a challenge of perfecting the perfect cupcake; which has really turned into trying new cupcakes and particularly fall inspired ones. This brings me to this post. I didn't get a chance to really take pictures of the process of putting the batter together but I do have the end result pictures :)

I brought about 20 cupcakes into work for my coworkers and they were gone within about 4 hours of me setting them out. I'm taking that as it was a huge hit and everyone loved them! I myself am not of a fan of pumpkin flavor things but thankfully with these the pumpkin was not overly powerful and was a burst of fall flavors in my mouth!

I found this recipe like most of my others from Pinterest and you find the original recipe here.