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Monday, April 29, 2013

My Wake Up Call

I'm Back....

February was such a good month for me in terms of my first month of ChaLean Extreme. I was doing really well with the workouts and my eating. 

Then BAM March was here and it was the complete opposite.

Work stressed me out and I choose to sleep that extra hour instead of getting to work out. The entire week of my birthday, starting with St. Paddy's day through the next week my entire eating plan was completely thrown out the window. I think I got about 6 workouts in for the entire month of March :/

That was not acceptable and I hated myself for it. I told myself that April was going to be different. But it wasn't, not at all. I had a big trip to Texas planned (which I just got back from) and then found myself flying to Los Angeles for a quick 48 hours in the city. With these two trips I literally only had about six days where I wasn't flying, working, or in an entirely different city. This quickly threw me completely off my game and for a loop. I did do good with keeping with eating healthy. I've done really well with no fried or processed food. (This is huge for me, a person that doesn't have much free time and would rather spend time cooking it's usually easiest to grab these sorts of foods). But while I was in Texas, where it's way too warm for my likely, I came head to head with that feeling of not being comfortable in my own skin. I was no where near happy with my appearance and I hated myself for getting so far off the path I set for myself in February. 

This entry is my way of recommitting to that plan I set for myself all those weeks ago. This weekend was my wake up call. No more slacking. No more saying I'll do it tomorrow. (we all know that that you never do it tomorrow). 

I'm off to walk up to the Market to get everything to do my meal planning for the week, to get out in this beautiful weather we are having here in Rhode Island, and to begin this journey once more. I hope y'all will join me on this journey and I hope to update this every Sunday.

Much love!

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